Comet Assay

State-of-the-art comet images

Atomic Force Microscopy

S. cerevisiae chromatin fibers

DNA Gel Electrophoresis

MNase sensitivity assay

Light Micoscropy

S. cerevisiae ageing cell morphology

Astrobiology meets life bona fide

Master degree students in Astrophysics from Sofia University were guests in our lab doing their practical exercises on the course of Astrobiology. They excitingly encountered with the origin of life bona fide by extracting their own DNA during their first experience with Biology work.

Fun, hands down and lots of questions accompanied the lab work and successfully ended with their own DNA samples being visualized under the UV light. The practical exercises turned in an amusement for us and apparently for them, also. We were impressed by their intelligent curiosity and really hope they will remember the first hands-on experience in a molecular biology lab.

NATO SPS MYP G5266 kick-off meeeting

Kick-off meeting of the Multi-Year Project G5266 under NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme


The kick-off meeting of the Multi-Year Project G5266 under NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme was carried out on 15-16 May 2017 in Sofia, Bulgaria.

The programme included:
1.      A Welcome address to participants
The participants were welcomed by Assoc. prof. George Miloshev, NPD, by Assoc. prof. Iva Ugrinova, Director of Institute of Molecular Biology “Roumen Tsanev, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences”, and by Dr. Solomon Passy, Chief Executive Officer Atlantic Club in Bulgaria.

2.      Presentations of all co-directors on planning project actions and implementation
Short presentations were performed by the NPD in the name of Assoc. prof. George Miloshev, the PPD in the name of Prof. Tatjana Ruskovska and the co-directors in the name of Prof. Sefa Ҫelik and Prof. Chang-Hui Shen on the subjects, aims and expected outcomes of the current research project.

3.       General information on NATO regulations of funding and reporting
During this first project management and consultation meeting Assoc. prof. Milena Georgieva, PhD presented the project budget and general financial rules.

4.      Round-table discussions
Work plan and schedule of the entire project;
Detailed schedule of activities to be implemented during Milestone 1 - scientific experiments, purchase of equipment and consumables, communication and publicity in order to present the project to the public, project management;